
Tips for Using Assistive Technology Devices… Tablets and other devices can be great tools for autistic people of all ages. Autism Speaks has compiled the following tips to help individuals with autism benefit from using assistive technology devices in all areas of life. Read our tips below to learn more and get …
What Light It Up Blue means to me… This guest blog is by Ron Sandison, an adult on the autism spectrum who works full time in the medical field and is a professor of theology at Destiny School of Ministry. This … on our site called “ In Our Own Words: Living on the Spectrum ,” which highlights the experiences of individuals with autism from their perspectives. As a young child autism made me feel different and like an endangered species. At age seven …
Putting the Pieces Together: Options for Housing & Models for Residential Supports… When planning for residential services and supports for an individual with autism, there are three aspects of housing that should be considered: The housing itself and the costs associated with it, … have to decide if they want to plan and coordinate services on their own, or with the help of an agency. Read more in the Autism Speaks Housing and Residential Supports Tool Kit . … Housing and Residential Supports Tool Kit … Putting the Pieces …
I stim to communicate my feelings … who can't communicate verbally.  I look at stimming as a wonderful language in itself. It is a beautiful extension of our autism.  Growing up, I had a lot of them. I was looked at as weird, bullied, singled out. Everything you can possibly …
Meet Sean S.… program in December of 2021. He has participated in multiple advocacy initiatives since joining the program, including the Autism Speaks Advocacy Forum and Hill Day.  Sean’s made it his mission to help other people with autism and provide support to parents and families with newly diagnosed children. He said he wants to educate the public by …
EMPOWER Care Act introduced to reauthorize Money Follows the Person… HCBS . HCBS provide a wide array of supports and services – like housing and residential services – that individuals with autism use across their lifespan. Forty-three states and the District of Columbia received funding under the project and … reauthorization, states will lose access to the enhanced funding which helped them maintain enhanced services. Autism Speaks recognizes the critical importance of Medicaid-funded HCBS to individuals with autism and their families. We …
Getting around… As children with autism become more independent, it is important to teach them the proper skills necessary to keep themselves safe in the … there is the fire department, there is the grocery store where Mr. Johnson works). Demonstrate to the individual with autism the process to determine how much daylight remains in the day. Hold up your right hand with your index finger against …
10 things that helped me during meltdowns as an autistic child… This guest post is by  Kerry Magro, a professional speaker , best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum.  Follow Kerry on Facebook  here. One of the more common questions I get asked as a professional speaker & …
Why I advocate for Direct Support Professionals… This guest blog post was written by Kit Peterson, a grandmother of a young man on the autism spectrum. She is an advocate for fair pay for the direct support professionals who have become family to people like … such an enigma to us, and were continuing to learn every day. One of the biggest discoveries made was that people on the autism spectrum typically need a highly structured, customized atmosphere to make real progress, which is why residential … that can catapult kids like Jonathan to success. And it is their dependable, consistent presence that gives people with autism the much-needed continuity and routine in their lives while fulfilling the universal need we all share for love and …
Meet Bailey D.…   My name is Jaylan D. and I’m 22 years old. My sister, Bailey, is 20 and is on the autism spectrum.  She is truly unique in every sense of the word. She’s grown so much throughout her life and overcome so … a lot of time together as a family, so she also loves to watch our mom cook and watch me play basketball.  I reached out to Autism Speaks to share my sister’s story because I want the world to see just how smart, fun and beautiful she is. I also …