
Autism Speaks Community Guidelines… The goal of these community guidelines is to help foster and protect our online communities. By using an Autism Speaks social media platform, you agree to these guidelines. Violation of these guidelines may result in deleted content, blocking or other restrictions. Respect other members of the Autism Speaks  and autism  community We want to foster positive and family-friendly spaces. We know the autism
Autism by the Numbers: State Summaries… How well are states serving people with autism? Autism laws and policies vary by state. Below, view summaries of select autism services and outcomes in all 50 states and …
"Living with Autism- Adults Living with Autism Share Their Stories and Answer Your Questions" Lunch and Learn By Autism Society of Iowa… "Living with Autism- Adults Living with Autism Share Their Stories and Answer Your Questions" Lunch and Learn By Autism Society of Iowa …
DNAstack and Autism Speaks® Announce Collaboration … ⎯ DNAstack , a software company that develops a cloud-based platform to manage, analyze and search genomic datasets, and Autism Speaks announced today a collaboration to enhance the Autism Speaks MSSNG research portal, designed to facilitate research to understand the complexities of autism spectrum …
Autism and Exercise: Special Benefits… Guest post by Sean Healy, author of a new meta-analysis of research on the benefits of exercise for youth who have autism . Dr. Healy is an assistant professor in the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition, at the University of … A wealth of research gives credence to this truism. And now – thanks to a growing number of studies involving youth with autism – we can confidently say that physical activity provides them with a wide range of benefits . Jasper, a surfer in our …
Teaching peers about autismAutism education or sensitivity training can occur in a generalized manner, in which students learn about acceptance and … of that student and his or her family. It is very important to communicate with the parents or guardian of the child with autism before any sensitivity training is done. The teacher or school psychologist leading the class discussion should reach …
What is it about autism and food?… Questions?” answer comes from psychologist Emily Kuschner, of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a member of the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . With the support of an Autism Speaks research grant , Dr. Kuschner is developing and testing …
Laxative Safety: Miralax and Autism… and other laxatives containing polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG-3350), many of you wrote to us or posted questions on the Autism Speaks Facebook page . In its news story, the New York Times quoted pediatric gastroenterologist and autism specialist Dr. Kent Williams as having concerns about PEG 3350’s safety when used long term, as is the case with many …
Horseback Riding as Autism Therapy … Horsemanship International.  I’d like to know more about equine therapy. Can horseback riding really help people with autism? Equine therapy for autism I grew up on a farm where I spent a lot of time with horses. I love these empathetic, gorgeous animals who, back in …
Autism toilet training dilemma… as a child-life specialist. Both work with children at the University of Rochester Medical Center, one of 14 sites in the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). I’m trying to toilet train our 6-year-old, who has autism. But every time I try to take her …