
Recognizing anxiety in children and teens with autism… our Q&A with the lead author of much-needed guidelines on recognizing and treating anxiety in children and adolescents with autism Earlier this year, the journal Pediatrics published the first guidelines for identifying and addressing anxiety in children and teens with autism. The guidelines came out of a study conducted through the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) in its role as …
Autism Speaks Newsroom @ INSAR 2021… The  International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) , the world’s largest gathering of autism scientists, healthcare professionals, and autistic people and their advocates, is being held virtually this year from …
Autism and auditory processing disorder: A follow-up… By Sophie Schwartz, Ph.D., post-doctoral research fellow at Boston University’s Center for Autism Research Excellence, directed by Dr. Helen Tager-Flubserg. Dr. Schwartz received a predoctoral fellowship in 2016 funded by  Royal Arch Masons International  and Autism Speaks.   About CAPD: Central auditory processing disorder, or difficulty processing sounds, is common in people with …
Autism training for school bus drivers… Lisa Kanigsberg is a research assistant in the Autism Research Centre at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, in Toronto. The center is one of 14 North American sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . This Autism Treatment Network center created a model autism-sensitivity and …
Jada B: Shattering misconceptions in the autism community… My daughter Jada is a remarkable 17-year-old who wants to be accepted and included. Diagnosed with autism when she was 7, Jada refuses to be labeled and limited in what she can achieve.  She knows that autism is a part of who she is, but Jada also knows that she is more than just a girl with autism.  I am so proud of her …
Adult with autism argues alone at night… Today’s “Got Questions?” response is by developmental-behavioral pediatrician Peter Chung, of the Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders at the University of California, Irvine. The center is one of 13 sites in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . My adult son, who has autism, is up all night, walking around the house talking to …
Helping Peers Support Youth with Autism… Many youth have had little or no experience interacting with people on the autism spectrum. The best thing you can do to support their understanding is to create an atmosphere of open communication … a long way towards alleviating fears and embarrassment. It is important to communicate with the parents of the youth with autism before sensitivity training is done to make sure what they are comfortable with in terms of disclosure. Some families …
The Pica and Autism Connection: Help & Perspective… Our teenager continues to eat the strangest things. Is there a connection between autism and pica or other eating disorders? Guest post by pediatric nurse practitioner Lynn Cole, associate director of … of Rochester’s Division of Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. The University of Rochester is one of 17 Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network  (AS-ATN) centers. Lynn has co-authored several AS-ATN/AIR-P* tool kits, including an …
Autism & Eating Challenges: You Are Not Alone!… possible … you have no idea how much you have all just helped me ." – from Facebook comment thread on the launch of the Autism Speaks ATN/AIR-P Feeding Behaviors Tool Kit, 10 Jan 2014 Today’s “Food for Thought” response is by pediatric psychologist Jayne Bellando, co-author of the Autism Speaks ATN/AIR-P tool kit  Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism: A Parent’s Guide . Dr. Bellando practices within the …
Service dogs or therapy dogs for autism… Medicine. Dr. Maxim is the developmental center’s medical director. The center, hospital and medical school are part of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . We are looking into getting either a therapy dog or a service dog for our son who has autism. My …