
My review of Pixar’s ‘Float’ as an adult with autism … Video (Responsive)."]}   This guest post is by Kerry Magro , a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant who is on the autism spectrum. A version of this his website. What is Float about? Disney+ has been in the news recently for a short film that will come out on January 10, 2020 featuring a nonverbal boy on the autism spectrum. Even before this news broke though everyone in my local area was talking about the hit Disney+ Pixar Short …
Helping students with autism make the back-to-school transition…   This response comes from autism educator Peter Gerhardt. Dr. Gerhardt is world-renowned for his work with adolescents on the autism spectrum. At the end of last summer, our twins – who both have autism – had a terrible time switching back to early …
8 things I've learned having a brother with autism… loving sibling to her brother with ASD. Seana aspires to raise more awareness through her writing and hopes to advocate for autism further in the future. Being more than a sibling At times, I have felt more of mother to my brother than a sister. I … has and for that I thank God for bringing him into my life. Love, hate and laugh Laughter in most eventualities regarding autism is what helps ease the hardship that comes with it. After all, laughter is one of life’s greatest medicines (apart … tub of Ben & Jerry's). Days will contain moments of loving the person your sibling is and others with hate for the way autism has affected them. You are not angry with them. You will understand the meaning of this, if you do not already, soon. …
Child with Autism Won’t Eat Foods that ‘Smell’… I have two kids with autism. My oldest literally can't sit at a table with foods that "smell." That happens to be anything except pizza, bread … Pulliam practices at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences & Arkansas Children's Hospital. Both are part of the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) . Dr. Pulliam also co-authored the Autism Speaks ATN/AIR-P tool kit:  Exploring …
Can food allergies aggravate autism symptoms?… Health & Development, in Austin, Texas. “Can food allergies produce inflammation that causes bad days for someone with autism?” Thank you for your great question. Food allergies can, in fact, produce inflammation throughout the body. In our …   Clearly such symptoms can cause a bad day for anyone. This can be particularly true of a child or adult living with autism – who may not be able to communicate or fully understand or explain his or her discomfort.  Allergy testing Many … in fact, have true allergy responses. Other times, the tests come back “negative” for allergies.  Delayed inflammation and autism symptoms There’s another inflammatory food response that we’re seeing more and more of in our clinic: eosinophilic …
ATN@Work: Easing clinic visits for kids with autism… Our Autism Treatment Network center in Los Angeles has proven tips for ensuring a more successful medical visit for you and your … Dr. Yin is the medical director of the Boone Fetter Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, one of 14 centers in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. Dr. Yin also directs the University of Southern California’s University Center of …
Helping your child with autism through puberty… isn’t “cool,” and start to experience sexual and romantic urges. These changes can be tough for anyone. But for kids on the autism spectrum and their families, this time can be particularly challenging. As specialists in autism and mental health care who work with teens every day at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center , we’re here to help …
Autism and the holidays: How to cope with the feasting and hubbub… full of good cooks. So Thanksgiving is a big deal. Unfortunately it often doesn’t end well for our 13-year-old who has autism. The combination of family hubbub and limitless food tends to be too much. Do you have some tips for avoiding the … for reaching out with your question. There’s no doubt that your son’s issues are shared by many children and adults with autism.    The good news is that there are many ways to help your child cope with the excitement and bustling activity, as …
A letter to my son, brother to a sibling with autism… Kate Swenson is the mama to two rambunctious boys, one with nonverbal, severe autism. She shares a glimpse into their life in an honest and uplifting way on the Finding Cooper's Voice Facebook … months I would lay awake at night when I should have been catching precious sleep googling ‘odds of having two kiddos with autism’. I was so scared Sawyer. And then it was January and you were here. And, oh my God baby boy, you were perfect. You …
Autism and Social Acceptance: The Importance of Table Manners… “We heard autism educator Peter Gerhardt talk about how important table manners are for social acceptance. Our 17 year old has come a … eating. How can we help him learn to eat in a socially acceptable way?” This week’s “Food for Thought” answer comes from autism educator Peter Gerhardt. Dr. Gerhardt is world-renowned for his work with adolescents and young adults on the autism