
Inclusion@Work: A Framework for Building a Disability-Inclusive Organization

Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)

What’s the third largest market segment in the U.S.? The answer might surprise you. It’s not a particular race, gender, or cleverly named age cohort.  It’s people with disabilities. The size of this population—more than 50 million strong—surpasses Hispanics, African Americans and Asian Americans, as well as Generation X and teens.  Add in their families and friends, and you’re looking at billions of dollars in purchasing power.

Want a slice?  Any smart business owner would.  As with any customer segment, one of the best ways for a company to tap into it is to ensure it is represented in its workforce.

Inclusion@Work provides a path. Developed with input from a range of employers with exemplary track records in disability employment, it outlines seven core components of a disability-inclusive workplace, along with a menu of strategies for achieving them.


Our Autism Response Team (ART) is specially trained to connect people with autism, their families, and caretakers to information, tools, and resources.

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