
Dr. Beversdorf looking in a patients mouth during an appointment
Science Blog

Autism and stress: Study links stress to GI issues

Can anti-anxiety interventions ease autism-related GI problems? A study suggests that autism GI issues correspond with a heightened hormonal reaction
autism jobs, special needs jobs
Press Release

Employing adults with autism

NEW YORK (January 9, 2017) To enable adults with autism to work and live as independently as possible, Autism Speaks, New York Collaborates for Autism

My dreams for my son with autism going into the new year

This blog post was written by Kathy Hooven whose son Ryan has autism. You can read more about Kathy and her family on her blog, The AWEnesty of Autism
Isaac holding a toy

How Google Maps is helping my nonverbal son communicate

If there is one thing my son Isaac has taught me in the last 8 years it is this: Communication is much more than words.
a woman sitting on a grassy hill over looking the ocean
Life on the Spectrum

Don't let autism be the only thing that defines you

This guest blog post is by Ann Kagarise. Ann is a writer, self-advocate, photographer and assistant director at a school for children with autism.
A mother and young daughter sitting at a desk across from a female doctor.
Expert Opinion

Autism and doctor visits: Family seeks help to ease daughter’s fears

Our daughter is severely affected by autism. We're having a particular problem with doctor visits. She doesn't like being touched and won't sit still
Jeanine Castagna wearing sunglasses in a graduation cap and gown
Life on the Spectrum

My life has been devoted to breaking barriers; Now I'm in college

This guest post is by Jeanine Castagna who is currently a freshman in college. Her whole life has been devoted to breaking barriers, and she says her

Girl with autism shines singing holiday version of 'Hallelujah'

Get ready to be blown away by the voice of Kaylee Rodgers, a 10-year-old girl with autism who has gone viral singing a variation on Leonard Cohen's
scrabble pieces
Expert Opinion

Child with autism obsessed with letters and numbers

Click here to read an expert opinion by psychologist Terry Katz, for a child with autism that is obsessed with letters and numbers.
New study indicates that mother’s genetics can influence their children’s autism symptoms

What is epigenetics, and what does it have to do with autism?

Epigenetics helps us understand the interaction of genetics and environment in predisposition to autism
Autism Speaks Asks: Got Questions?
Expert Opinion

How do we stop folks from talking past our nonverbal son?

Our son is nonverbal but understands perfectly what others are saying. How can we help people understand this so they stop talking around; him as if
Expert Opinion

When does autism-related picky eating cross line to feeding disorder?

I know that food aversions and picky-eating are common among kids on the autism spectrum. When does picky eating cross the line and become something
Expert Opinion

Parents seek autism advice: Adult daughter stressed at work

Our daughter is 23. She has autism, can express herself and respond, has made great strides in her development and now has a community job though a
3 toddlers sitting on a grassy hill
Science News

Small study finds folinic acid improves communication & eases symptoms of autism

In a small study funded by Autism Speaks, treatment with folinic acid improved communication and eased symptoms in language-impaired autistic children
Expert Opinion

Help! Our son with autism just laughs when others bully and tease

Click here to read an experts opinion on how parents can help their autistic child understand social signals during bullying or negative interactions.
side of a young boys head
Expert Opinion

How do we teach our autistic child to listen?

Click here to see how Child Psychologists Rebecca Hellenthal and Megan Norris answer a question about how to get an autistic child to listen.