Autism Friendly Designation

One way we accomplish our mission is by increasing acceptance of people with autism through initiatives like our Autism Friendly Designation program. 

Autism-Friendly Designation Logo

The Autism Friendly Designation signals to the public that your organization recognizes the diverse needs of people with autism and their families and is committed to providing the highest quality of customer inclusive service.

Co-developed by people with autism, expert researchers and clinicians, the Autism Friendly Designation program includes employee training and onsite resources and supports for people with autism and other disabilities.

Sign up to get your Autism Friendly Designation and join us in creating a more inclusive world for people with autism.

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Featured Autism Friendly Designated Companies



Autism Speaks

When more businesses, destinations, and organizations commit to become more autism-friendly, we can create a more understanding and accepting world for all.

"78% [of consumers] will purchase goods and services from a business that takes steps to ensure easy access for individuals with disabilities at their physical locations."

Source: American Institutes for Research Report, A Hidden Market: The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults with Disabilities, 2018.

"Being inclusive not only benefits people with disabilities but also helps the bottom line."

Source: American Institutes for Research Report, A Hidden Market: The Purchasing Power of Working-Age Adults with Disabilities, 2018.

"The U.S. Office of Disability Employment Policy categorizes persons with disabilities as the third-largest market segment in the U.S., after Hispanics and African-Americans. This market expands when family members, caregivers and others who prioritize goods and services that are inclusive of persons with disabilities are counted."

Source: Accenture Report, Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage, 2018.

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