Emerging Leaders

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About Emerging Leaders

Autism Speaks Emerging Leaders is a group of passionate advocates under 40 dedicated to shaping the future of the organization. Championing fresh perspectives that represent the diversity of the spectrum, the group's mission is to ensure that Autism Speaks reflects the current values and needs of the autism community while communicating the evolving narrative of autism to younger generations.

Our commitment

We are focused on driving Autism Speaks to leverage its platform to best support the autism community. Our primary principles include:

  • Enhancing Organizational Impact: Through engagement with mission-driven committees, we bring innovative ideas and perspectives that help steer the organization towards inclusive, forward-looking practices.
  • Promoting Community Engagement: By actively participating in Autism Speaks events and initiatives, we deepen our connection with the broader community, advocating for representation that reflects the wide range of experiences and needs across the autism spectrum.
  • Bridging Generational Perspectives: We provide insights that bridge the gap between past perceptions and the current realities of Autism Speaks' work, updating misconceptions and broadening understanding among our peers.
  • Fostering Mentorship and Development: By connecting with established leaders and experts, we gain and share valuable insights, encourage personal and professional growth, and cultivate future leaders in the autism community.

Meet our Emerging Leaders

Amy Gravino

Amy Gravino

Amy was diagnosed with autism at age 11, followed by a genetic diagnosis of Kleefstra Syndrome type 2 in 2021, and her personal journey has shaped her into a dedicated advocate committed to improving the lives of others on the spectrum. As an autistic individual, she has navigated unique challenges and celebrated many triumphs, experiences that fuel her passion for raising awareness and fostering understanding within the autism community.

Gravino's academic journey led her to earn a master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) from Caldwell University in 2010. This education provided her with an even deeper understanding of autism, while equipping her with the skills needed to address the diverse needs of the people she works with and a passionate drive to work toward meaningful change and neuroinclusivity in the field of behavior analysis.

Currently, Gravino is a Relationship Coach at the Center for Adult Autism Services at Rutgers University, where she provides invaluable support to adults with autism. Her role at Rutgers is complemented by her position as President of A.S.C.O.T Consulting. Through her consulting firm, Amy offers autism consulting, college coaching, and mentoring services to organizations, schools, individuals, and families.

Her specialty in autism and sexuality has made her a sought-after international speaker. She has delivered TED talks, spoken multiple times at the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day, and presented globally on various autism-related topics. She co-created the Adult Autism and Sexuality Kit (AASK) and co-authored a chapter on autism and sexuality in the "Handbook of Quality of Life for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder."

Gravino’s dedication and contributions have been recognized with the 2024 Marblejam Center’s Global Autism Advocacy Award. She also serves on the Boards of Directors of Yes She Can, Inc. and the Golden Door International Film Festival of Jersey City. Her work has been featured in Spectrum and other outlets.

Kerry Magro

Dr. Kerry Magro

Diagnosed with autism at four and nonverbal until two and a half, Dr. Kerry Magro, Ed.D., defied expectations. Once unable to speak in complete sentences, he transformed his communication challenges into triumphs, becoming an award-winning autistic professional speaker and bestselling author. Magro discovered his passion for public speaking through the National Speakers Association, leveraging his love for theater to improve his social and communication skills, ultimately finding his voice on the world stage.

Today, he has delivered more than 1,300 speeches, including two TEDx Talks and a Talks at Google presentation. As the CEO & President of KFM Making A Difference, a nonprofit organization, he has provided 150 college scholarships for autistic students and 27 grants for businesses that employ people with disabilities. Additionally, for the past decade, he has played Santa Claus for autistic and special needs children, offering them a sensory-friendly environment to meet Santa, something he wishes was available when he was younger.

Magro's contributions and shared experiences as an autistic adult have been featured on NBC’s Today Show, CBS News, FOX5, and Upworthy. He frequently speaks on neurodiversity in the workplace for companies such as JP Morgan Chase, TD Bank, and S&P Global.

He also hosts the popular Facebook page, Kerry's Autism Journey, which has 278,000 followers and videos viewed over 35 million times. His best-selling books—Defining Autism From The Heart, Autism and Falling in Love, I Will Light It Up Blue, and Autistics on Autism—have achieved Amazon Best-Seller status for Special Needs Parenting. His latest book, Supporting Your Autism Journey, was released on April 2, 2024, for World Autism Awareness Day.

Spencer Savitz

Spencer Savitz

Spencer’s lifelong commitment to autism advocacy is inspired by his younger brother, Tyler, who is on the autism spectrum. This connection has fueled Spencer's dedication to raising awareness and fostering acceptance for people with autism.

Over the years, he has actively engaged in numerous philanthropic and community service efforts, organizing a team for the Autism Speaks Chicago Walk and later his own sensory-friendly community walk event, raising over $2.2 million for Autism Speaks. At Stanford University, he founded an Autism Speaks U chapter, educating students about autism through a speaker series, movie screenings and other events.

In 2023, Savitz began working with Autism Speaks to establish the Autism Speaks Emerging Leaders, creating opportunities for young professionals to make a meaningful impact within the autism community. His work in autism advocacy is not only a testament to his love for his brother but also a lifelong mission to enhance the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

Savitz is currently an MBA Candidate at Wharton. Prior to this, he spent seven years in finance in New York City, working at American Securities, AEA Investors, and Solomon Partners. His undergraduate degree is from Stanford University, where he majored in Management Science & Engineering.

Amy Ursitti

Amy Ursitti

Amy's connection to autism is deeply personal, rooted in her relationship with her younger brother Jack, who was diagnosed with autism at age two. His experiences and challenges have inspired her to dedicate her academic pursuits and professional aspirations to make a meaningful impact on the autism community.

Ursitti attended Emory University, where she studied neuroscience and conducted research on pain and sensory sensitivity in adolescents with autism. Her dedication to this cause extended beyond the classroom as she served as the president of Emory Best Buddies, an organization committed to fostering friendships and promoting inclusion for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

After graduating, Ursitti worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator at Massachusetts General Hospital in the Neuroimaging of Mind-Body Interaction and Treatment (NoMBIT) Lab. Over two years, she conducted research involving people with autism, gaining valuable insights into their unique challenges and needs. 

Ursitti's passion for advocacy and research led her to co-found the Profound Autism Alliance, where she currently serves as secretary. In this role, she collaborates with a dedicated team to promote the unique needs of individuals with profound autism. Recently, she began her medical education at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. She is excited about this next step in her medical career and remains committed to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with profound autism.

Join Autism Speaks Emerging Leaders

As Emerging Leaders, we aim to ensure that Autism Speaks continues to evolve into an organization that is more inclusive, innovative, and reflective of the vibrant diversity within the autism community. Join us to make a lasting impact and help Autism Speaks become the best version of itself.