Lokai launches split blue bracelet to benefit Autism Speaks

April 5, 2018
Lokai Split Blue Bracelet to Benefit Autism Speaks

Lokai, the socially responsible balance brand representing the importance of finding balance along life’s journey, announced a new split blue bracelet to benefit Autism Speaks during World Autism Month.

Beginning April 2nd,  Lokai will donate $1 from every Autism Lokai to advance Autism Speaks’ mission:  promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through research, advocacy, and support.

“Knowing that autism affects 1 in 68 families, Lokai wanted to do its part in increasing the conversation around acceptance and understanding,” said Steven Izen, Founder & CEO of Lokai.  “We are excited to finally launch our partnership with Autism Speaks to continue raising awareness.” 

The Autism Lokai symbolizes the importance of finding balance through life’s highs and lows. The two colors represent the autism community: children and adults with autism spectrum disorder and their loved ones.

“This bracelet is a simple but powerful way of supporting children and adults on the autism spectrum,” said Peter Morton, Autism Speaks vice president of corporate development. “We thank Lokai for its creativity and generosity.”