
Disaster Preparedness for People with Autism with Bryan Russell

In this episode of Just Another Autism Podcast, Eileen Lamb chats with Bryan Russell, Emergency Management Coordinator with Disability Rights Florida. Bryan talks about making sure people with disabilities, including those with autism, are included in emergency preparedness and recovery efforts. He shares tips on preparing before a disaster happens, offers resources and checklists for families and providers, and dives into the policy changes needed to improve support.

Bryan Russell is the Emergency Management Coordinator with Disability Rights Florida where he works to ensure the needs of persons with disabilities are included in emergency preparedness, response and recovery efforts across the state. Prior to this role, Bryan was the Program Manager for the Florida Department of Health’s Disability and Health Program where he focused on adapting and implementing public health interventions for persons with disabilities. During emergencies and disasters, Bryan serves as the State Access Coordinator with the Florida State Emergency Response Team providing guidance and recommendations to ensure the needs of persons with access and functional needs are met during all phases of disasters.

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