
The Team Approach to Educating Students with Autism… of the team brings a unique perspective and set of observations and skills, all of which are helpful in assisting a student with complex and variable needs. It is important to employ the knowledge and perspective of the family, since they offer … vary across children, so will the knowledge bases and coping skills of the parents and siblings. Parents can contribute information and a history of successful (and unsuccessful) strategies, and may also benefit from information on strategies and … school that can help to extend learning into the home setting. A positive and collaborative relationship with the family is beneficial to everyone. Supports that work in a specific classroom can be shared with other teachers or support staff, to …
6 tips for job seekers on the spectrum from someone who is autistic… This guest post is by Marcelle Ciampi (aka Samantha Craft), M.Ed. who is the CEO of Spectrum Suite LLC, the job recruiter for ULTRA Testing, an autism educator, the author of the blog and book, Everyday Aspergers, Selection Committee Chair at the … at . I am an autistic job recruiter for a technology company that provides work opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum. These are some of my personal tips when looking for work: Establish a support network In … that much-needed incentive to keep you on track. Online autism support forums, such as Facebook groups, have proved a beneficial resource for thousands of autistics who are turning to peer-mentors for support. Enter “autism” or “Asperger's” …
Family finds answers through MSSNG… When Trey M., 30, was first diagnosed with autism in 1995 at age 3, his family got straight to work finding information, therapies and supports that could help him one day live an independent life. But with the Internet still in its … 8 weeks until he graduated at age 22. Now, he is back in Oklahoma and living in a residential setting with three other individuals with autism. There are two support people in his home, and he gets ABA therapy and horseback riding therapy. … It wasn’t a great diagnosis, but it gave us relief knowing where we could concentrate our efforts to research what may be beneficial for Trey. In the past, looking for information felt like we were going around a large crowd looking for one …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … spectrum disorder (DS-ASD) at the age of 7. I was relieved when we received the news because I finally had an explanation for why he seemed different from other children with Down syndrome. The autism diagnosis also made Jake eligible for … I have found for insurance information. Although focused on healthcare benefits for autism, the information provided is beneficial to anybody with a developmental disability. I provide resource referrals to families of children with Down … Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) DS-ASD committee, which provides expertise to healthcare professionals who work with individuals with Down syndrome across the life span.  What advice would you give to other parents who might find themselves …
How better understanding can support better outcomes in police interactions with autistics… associated with autism can leave some autistic people unable to fully participate in these interactions.  Some law enforcement data have suggested that people with disabilities are seven times more likely to have police encounters than the … barrier for people with autism and police officers , whether the person with autism is a witness or a victim. Autistic individuals often aren’t treated as credible because of communication barriers and issues with memory.  Behavior challenges … a growing field. Some studies have found the confidence of police officers when working with the autism community is beneficial to training initiatives . They also found that the welfare of autistic people is dependent on the knowledge of …
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder… pathologists Diane Paul and Donna Murray. Dr. Paul is the director of clinical issues in speech-language pathology for the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Dr. Murray serves as the senior director of the Autism Speaks Autism … a speech-language pathologist with experience in assessing and treating SCD. Speech-language pathologists also work with individuals who have problems with the non-verbal aspects of communication and social interaction. For example, some … intervention can provide your child – and you – with the strategies needed to make these experiences rewarding and beneficial. We encourage you to work closely with your child’s speech-language pathologists to reinforce the new skills he’s …
Autism in schools: Your child's rights… guide that defines terms, explains concepts and answers frequently asked questions regarding the rights and entitlements of individuals with autism and their families . A child's rights for public education   Your special needs child has the right to a free and appropriate education. The individuals with … who is trained to work with children with autism. While it may be true that seeking the least restrictive environment is beneficial for children with autism, it's important to consider whether or not an option such as inclusion is right for your …