
My child is nonverbal. Anything new that might help him communicate better?… The answer below comes from speech-language pathologists Cynthia Green, Kameron Beaulieu, and Jill Dolata of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). Their ATN work at the Oregon Health & Science … and Rehabilitation Center involves individualized parent training using a 24-week program that improves children’s social communication skills.  Today, parents and therapists have many new applications and devices that support a child’s nonverbal … when they prefer to play by themselves, engage in self-stimulating behaviors or have difficulty sustaining interactions.   There are several programs designed to initiate positive interactions and increase communication in children …
Notes for the school nurse: Common challenges related to autism… Like every other kid, students with autism and other developmental disabilities are likely to visit the nurse’s office with bumps and bruises, headaches and colds and … have a conversation at the beginning of every school year to discuss the student, review needs and establish lines of communication. Additionally, it can be helpful for the school nurse and an autistic student to get to know each other before a medical need, illness or emergency occurs. Scheduling a tour of the nurse’s office or planning some interactions between the nurse and the student early in the school year, can help the student become comfortable with the …
Autism Speaks announces new grant opportunity for autistic scientists… Scientists . Through this fellowship program, we hope to increase autistic representation in the field of autism research and empower a greater number of autistic scientists to pursue long-lasting research careers.  The Predoctoral Fellowship … in low resource settings  Pre-clinical studies aimed at reducing the most disabling challenges associated with autism  Interactions with service systems that can inform systematic policy changes  Research that benefits intersectional … Studies that focus on individuals who experience autism with intellectual disability, who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), or those for whom communication solutions are unavailable  Letters of Intent are due on or before …
Q&A: Parent video training for autism study… evaluating iBASIS , an early intervention program that uses video feedback to show parents how to foster social development and communication in babies at high risk for autism. Each parent receives six to twelve in-home feedback sessions with a … research, funded in part by Autism Speaks , aims to reduce the severity of early autism symptoms and improve parent-baby interactions. The researchers call their program iBASIS for “Intervention in the British Autism Study of Infant Siblings.” …
Social skills and autism… Many children and adults on the autism spectrum need help in learning how to act in different types of social situations. They often have … to be part of the community. What are social skills?   Social skills are the rules, customs, and abilities that guide our interactions with other people and the world around us. In general, people tend to “pick up” social skills in the same way … instruction and "teachable moments" with practice in realistic settings Focus on timing and attention Support for enhancing communication and sensory integration Learning behaviors that predict important social outcomes like friendship and
Social media offers benefits for autistic community… Lydia is an autistic author, speaker, blogger and advocate from Pittsburgh. There is no question that social media has changed the way people interact. We hear a lot about the lack of face-to-face conversations, perpetual access to communication, a source of distraction that takes us out of the moment. But for me, like many autistic people, those same … also come with their own version of the “hidden curriculum” — the unspoken but widely understood set of rules that governs interactions online. These things aren’t dangerous, but they are seen as socially inappropriate and can create awkward …
Autism Speaks opens grant applications for autistic researchers… Scientists . Through this fellowship program, we hope to increase autistic representation in the field of autism research and empower a greater number of autistic scientists to pursue long-lasting research careers.   The Predoctoral Fellowship … studies aimed at helping to ameliorate the most disabling challenges associated with autism  Research addressing interactions with service systems that can inform systematic policy changes  Research that benefits communities who … Studies that focus on individuals who experience autism with intellectual disability, who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), or those for whom communication solutions are unavailable  Last year’s grant recipients designed …
Tips for creating an autism-friendly Thanksgiving… While Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on your blessings and express gratitude for all the wonderful things in life, it can also be very stressful for people with autism and their … saying anything. Once someone starts yelling or acting aggressively, we are out of the boundaries of respect I demand in interactions. Setting up boundaries before I enter a situation gives me guidance on when to leave.  Third, identify your … stressful for some people with autism, so it’s important that family members meet them where they are and respect their communication preferences. If the autistic person appears uncomfortable, don’t force them to stay in a certain room, engage …
Making sense of autistic meltdowns in adults… an overwhelming emotional or sensory experience. Autistic adults across the spectrum are vulnerable to them due to social, communication and/or sensory differences. While meltdowns can look like tantrums to those on the outside, they are not a behavioral … an autistic person’s mind can be thrown off balance. Changes in routine and other sources of anxiety, like social interactions or anticipating high-stress events can also be triggers. Meltdowns are common too in situations when …
Autism and Eye Contact… Why is it so difficult for our son (12 years old and on the spectrum) to make eye contact. What can we do – and what shouldn’t we do – to encourage this important social … – particularly those on the autism spectrum and those who care about them. Using eye contact is an important nonverbal communication behavior that most of us use automatically in social interactions. However, as you describe, making eye contact with others can be very challenging for some people with autism – …