
How does sensory processing affect communication in kids with autism?… Postdoctoral Research Fellow pursuing her  fellowship project  on autism-related sensory-processing challenges at the Vanderbilt Brain Institute. Dr. Baum uses a combination of neuropsychology, psychophysics and neuroimaging to discover the … children and adults on the autism spectrum. As many readers of this column know, autism involves difficulty with social communication combined with restricted interests and/or repetitive behaviors. Understandably, most autism research has … clues to understanding autism and helping individuals affected by the condition. The multisensory challenge of social interactions  Think about almost any social interaction. We have to process so many sensory clues to understand each other. …
Autism and Gender Identity… of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, chief of psychology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and director of Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Child Development Center. I suspect my child with autism may be … experiences. They expressed some unique challenges being transgender and having autism. For some, executive functioning, communication challenges and social challenges can make it harder for them to advocate for their needs. This can mean at … gender identity. But, the teens in this study pointed out some upsides. Some who said they typically have limited social interactions said this helped them feel more protected from negative attitudes about gender identity. Relating to other
Teaching nonverbal autistic children to talk… by Autism Speaks's first chief science officer, Geri Dawson, who is now director of the Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development; and clinical psychologist Lauren Elder. Researchers published the hopeful findings that, even after … that promote social interaction. Examples include singing, reciting nursery rhymes and gentle roughhousing. During your interactions, position yourself in front of your child and close to eye level – so it’s easier for your child to see and … you roll a car. If he or she crashes the car, you crash yours too. But don’t imitate throwing the car! Focus on nonverbal communication. Gestures and eye contact can build a foundation for language. Encourage your child by modeling and responding …
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)… What is Applied Behavior Analysis?    Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Behavior analysis helps us to understand: How behavior works How behavior is affected by the environment How … helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning. ABA therapy programs can help: Increase language and communication skills Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics  Decrease problem behaviors The methods … reinforcement for demonstrating useful skills and socially appropriate behaviors. The emphasis is on positive social interactions and enjoyable learning. The learner receives no reinforcement for behaviors that pose harm or prevent learning. …
The new normal in public transit and paratransit during COVID … The following provides general tips for travel changes as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. For more information on accessing public transit and paratransit during COVID, visit the National Aging and … wearing a mask on public transit. Since the face masks shield facial expressions, they also reduce much of the non-verbal communication one may be expected to notice. This can be helpful, so people are not expected to understand all the usual social cues. And with the addition of social distancing that is both required and expected, all social interactions are greatly reduced. For individuals that find these social interactions a lot of work, travelling may be more …
ABA and other therapies… community about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We know that each person’s experience with autism is uniquely individual and personal, including the resources and supports they may need.  Some autistic people and their families say that ABA … on preventing self-stimulatory behavior (stims). Behavior analysts work with autistic people to improve skills like: Communication and language abilities Social skills Self-care and hygiene routines Play and leisure skills Motor abilities … BCBA.  Inability to respond to concerns.  Use of punishment instead of positive reinforcement.  Aggressive or controlling interactions.  Unwillingness to listen and stop when the client is overstimulated.  Lack of data showing progress.  Offering …
“My child needs to be admitted to the hospital. How can I help them cope with an inpatient stay? How can I explain their needs to the staff?”… challenges with capacity. The advice shared below may need to be modified or adjusted based on specific locations and individual needs. As always, for information and resources, please contact the Autism Response Team at 888-AUTISM2 or … such as loud noises or certain colors and how to accommodate them. If your child or family member has significant communication challenges, bring any communication support tools they use and make sure hospital staff know how to use them. … time frame. Relaxation techniques can also help your child remain calm throughout the stay and throughout any procedures or interactions with staff. Practice breathing exercises. Practice holding and releasing breath using a pinwheel or bubbles. …
Parents seek autism-savvy advice on getting 3-year-old to interact… They know that pointing and shared attention is important, ask how to begin when their preschooler ignores them. Our 3-year- old was recently … The child might also make sounds or say a few words that show interest. So, what happens when a child lacks these social communication behaviors? Where do you start? Combining professional intervention and parent support The good news is that … joint attention. Share focus. Playing with a toy can be a starting point for you and your child to enjoy and share interactions. For example, while you and your son are playing with toy trucks, you can imitate how he pushes a truck back …
Autism and Bipolar disorder… This week’s “Got Questions?” answer comes from psychiatrist Jessica Hellings, MD, and psychologist Andrea Witwer, PhD, program directors at Ohio State University’s Nisonger Center, which is part of Autism … and bed wetting, shaky hands and even life-threatening toxicity. This is of particular concern with individuals who have communication difficulties, as they may not be able to alert caregivers to the side effects they’re experiencing. Studies … disorders. Early results suggest that this type of intervention decreases mood severity in children, while improving family interactions and access to appropriate healthcare. If you or your child has autism and you’re concerned that it may be …
Meet Armani W.… competing in NASCAR, Armani knows what it feels like to be different. But even before he turned his love for toy cars and go-karts into a budding career in NASCAR’s truck series, Armani was faced with challenges to fit in with friends, … struggles have you faced because of your autism?  Like many others with autism, I have struggled with social interaction, communication and sometimes repetitive behaviors. But as it is in life, you are always going to face challenges, it’s only a … detail about autism so I can gain more knowledge about myself and others. My parents also helped me understand social interactions and how to have a conversation with people. They taught me the importance of eye contact, greetings, and