
Autism Speaks funds ECHO Autism Primary Care to bring better autism screening and care to your doctor’s office… his name, and that he turned his toy cars over to spin their wheels instead of racing them, her provider didn’t have the autism expertise necessary to provide much guidance. Instead, her doctor made a referral to a specialist. He didn’t recognize that these are common early signs of autism. Early identification is critical to starting early treatment and better quality of life as children with autism get …
Autism Speaks Tool KitsAutism Speaks has developed tool kits and guides to help people with autism and their families throughout the lifespan. 100 Day Kit for Families of Newly Diagnosed Young Children 100 Day Kit …
World Autism Awareness Day… Every April Autism Speaks celebrates  World Autism Month , beginning with the United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. This year marks the 17th …
Autism by the Numbers: Key Findings… The autistic community experiences disparities in multiple areas, including education, healthcare and employment. Current autism data and the way it is presented does not provide an accurate sense of the lived experience of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the U.S. For the first time, Autism by the Numbers offers accessible, state-level …
Describing autism and people on the spectrum… Person-first language and identity-first language Autism Speaks utilizes both person-first (person with autism) and identity-first language (autistic person) . In 2019 we polled our community about their preference and heard …
Autism by the Numbers: Annual ReportAutism by the Numbers brings together publicly-available and proprietary data from around the U.S. to foster insights into … accessibility of supports and services, and enable advocacy in key areas for the autistic community. In the inaugural Autism by the Numbers Annual Report, we take a deep dive into the Dashboard data sources, identify key findings by state, …
Coaches Powering Forward for autism… Coaches Powering Forward is an annual initiative bringing the NCAA community together to champion the mission of Autism Speaks. In the past decade, over 7,000 Autism Speaks puzzle piece pins have been distributed to coaches, staff, and broadcasters, fostering inclusivity during …
Creating Autism Friendly ExperiencesAutism-friendly events open doors to new opportunities for families affected by autism and other special needs. Through some relatively simple accommodations, you can provide families the chance to …
World Autism Month resources… Checklist Printable POS Cards Autism Friendly Event Flyer Autism Friendly Event Flyer - Spanish Social Influencer Flyer Virtual Backgrounds World Autism Month Pledge Fearlessly Act …