White Castle

Since 2009, led by the Ingram family, White Castle has been feeding hunger, hopes and dreams in collaboration with Autism Speaks to change the lives of individuals and families affected by autism. As the first hamburger chain started in 1921, the company has grown to more than 375 “Castles” throughout the East Coast, Midwest, and recently into the West Coast with their Scottsdale location. Over the past decade, White Castle has contributed over $9 million dollars through in-store campaigns and personal Ingram family donations, making them one of our largest and most dedicated Autism Speaks corporate supporters to date.

In 2021, White Castle will host a round-up fundraising campaign where customers can round-up their change to be donated to Autism Speaks!

A HUGE thank you to White Castle and all the cravers that have supported!

Check out this awesome Make It Matter video to learn more about the Ingram's, their son Chris on the autism spectrum and their extraordinary fundraising efforts.

Supporter Since: 2009
2021 Campaign:  Helping Countless Families Affected by Autism
Campaign Duration: July 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021

More Information: www.whitecastle.com

Autism Speaks and White Castle