
Tool Kit Excerpt

Assembling Your Team After a Diagnosis

It often takes a team of people to help support a person with autism. Your child’s team will consist of many different members. They will help you to
Samantha Ranaghan and her mom
Tool Kit Excerpt

My Story: Diagnosed with Autism at 34

Below is an autism story for adults who suspect they may have autism or who have been recently diagnosed. The post is written by Samantha Ranaghan.
Support for Autistic Adults Dealing with COVID-19 Employment Changes
Tool Kit Excerpt

What are my rights as an adult with autism?

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Adult Autism Tool Kit on what your rights are as an adult with autism.
group homes for autistic adults near me, adults standing arms around eachother
Tool Kit Excerpt

Why do I need a diagnosis as an adult?

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Adult Autism Diagnosis Tool Kit on why you should consider getting an autism diagnosis as an
Colorful classroom for young children
Tool Kit Excerpt

Supporting sensory needs at school

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on how to support sensory needs at school.
a student wearing a backpack and walking through an aisle of the school library
Tool Kit Excerpt

Autism and Social Skills Development

Click here to read an excerpt on autism and social skills development from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit.
a student wearing a backpack and walking through an aisle of the school library
Tool Kit Excerpt

Ideas for Preventing Challenging Behavior at School

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on Ideas for Preventing Challenging Behavior at School.
Colorful classroom for young children
Tool Kit Excerpt

The Team Approach to Educating Students with Autism

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on The Team Approach to Educating Students with Autism.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Considerations for School Administration

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on Considerations for School Administration.
a teacher sitting around a blue table with students
Tool Kit Excerpt

Information for Paraprofessionals

Click here for to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on autism paraprofessionals and promoting independence in their
Colorful classroom for young children
Tool Kit Excerpt

Autism in the classroom: Strategies for success

This excerpt from the School Community Tool Kit offers strategies for teachers to help support students with autism so they get the best education
Tool Kit Excerpt

Information for Classmates

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on Information for Classmates.
A school classroom full of students sitting at their desks with the teacher at the front of the class.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Teaching peers about autism

Read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks School Community Tool Kit on teaching peers about autism.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Life on Campus

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide on living on campus.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Asking for Accommodations

Click here to read an excerpt about asking for accommodations from the Autism Speak Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide by Stephen Shore, Ed
group of students wearing backpacks walking into school
Tool Kit Excerpt

Life Skills Programs

Click here to read an excerpt from Autism Speaks Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide by Linda Rogen, M.P.H. on life skills programs.