
Tool Kit Excerpt

Navigating Adult Services

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Advocacy Tool Kit on Navigating Adult Services.
Kate Johnson on stage with sisters Mary Grace and Emma reading a speech.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Teaching Your Child Self-Advocacy

Click here to ready about teaching your child about autism self advocacy and why it is as important as advocating on his behalf. It is never too early
Hill Day steps
Tool Kit Excerpt

Basic advocacy skills: Step by step

It is helpful to think about the advocacy process as a series of steps that can be taught and learned. Most of those steps relate to preparation.
Owen Photo Shoot
Expert Opinion

Research to Practice: Expanding Opportunities for Employment

Assessments like these aid parents, autistic adults, providers and employment sites find a likely job match resulting in sustained employment.
things teens on the autism spectrum wish you knew

10 things teens on the autism spectrum wish you knew

On Instagram, we asked teens on the autism spectrum what they want others to know about them. Here are some of their answers.
Arc of Philadelphia's Neurodiversity in the Workplace logo

Neurodiversity in the Workplace Curriculum

Autism Speaks open-sources the Neurodiversity in the Workplace Curriculum by The Arc of Philadelphia.
things parents with kids on the autism spectrum with you knew

Video: 10 things parents of autistic kids wish you knew

On Facebook, we asked parents what they want others to know about their children on the autism spectrum. Here are some their answers.
things adults on the autism spectrum wish you knew

10 things adults on the autism spectrum wish you knew

On Instagram, we asked adults on the autism spectrum what they want others to know about them. Here are some of their answers...
little boy in a plaid shirt running through the forest

Wandering & Autism: Tips from a National Expert

Far too often we hear news of children with autism wandering or bolting from safe environments. This is a devastating trend we are seeing at the
first responder in an ambulance unzipping a bag

Spotlight on Autism Training for First Responders

Autism Speaks helped develop a training for first responders to learn best practices for emergency situations involving a person with autism. Read
toddler alone outside holding a stick

Seven Steps to Prevent Wandering at Your Child's School

Click here to read the 7 steps to help prevent wandering at your child's school.
Child wandering alone by the ocean

Six Tips to Help Prevent Wandering and Wandering-Related Tragedies

From AWAARE: Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education Coalition
girl walking, autism wandering

Study finds autism wandering is common

A new study confirms what many parents know well: Wandering by children with autism is common, dangerous and puts tremendous stress on families.  
assistive technology for autism, autism tablet

15 year-old Jennifer Uses iPad to increase Her Independence

Jennifer is 15-years-old and has moderate autism. Her language is repetitive and she often has difficulty making her needs known.
Samantha Ranaghan and her mom
Life on the Spectrum

My story being diagnosed with autism as an adult

Samantha felt whole when she received her autism diagnosis at age 34. Learn about adult diagnosis and about autism in adults.
Hand holding Unsplash image

10 things to know about dating someone with autism

Kerry Magro, a 28-year-old on the spectrum, shares what he thinks you need to know when it comes to dating someone with autism.