Current Catalog Numbers

Autism Speaks AGRE

Current Catalog Numbers

The AGRE pedigree catalog currently contains 2009 pedigrees, including 1318 multiplex families. All families had blood collected from at least one parent and siblings affected with an autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, ADIs were completed for every family and additional phenotypic data were collected.

These data and genetic samples are available to approved AGRE researchers. 

Total number of pedigreed families (Multiplex and Simplex)
(Includes ADI-R computer-scored diagnostic classifications and blood on at least one affected child and one parent)
Total number of affected individuals 3668
  Male 2905
  Female 763
Total number of Simplex Families 691
Total number of Multiplex Families 1318
Total number of families with blood samples 2009
Total number of families with ADI-R data 2009
Total number of families with ADOS data 1592
Total number of families with Vineland data 1212
Total number of families with Raven’s, PPVT and/or Stanford-Binet data 1508
Total number of families with Physician Visits 360
Total number of families with Race and Ethnicity Information 1930
Total number of families with Fragile X testing 1973
Total number of families with Full Mutation Fragile X 6
Number of affected individuals per family (may include MZ twins):
Families with one affected individual 618
Families with two affected individuals 1163
Families with three affected individuals 198
Families with four affected individuals 22
Families with five affected individuals 8
Twin Family Pedigrees 336
  Dizygotic 215
  Monozygotic 120
Triplet Family Pedigrees 17
Quadruplet Family Pedigrees (Monozygotic) 1