Meet Leonardo A.

Leonardo A., 4

Hace especial todo, dice Jessica, la mamá de Leo. El marca la diferencia entre mis dos hijos. El marca donde quiera que va la diferencia.


Leo, de 4 años de edad, recibió su diagnóstico de autismo hace dos años. Jessica y su hijo Randy, llevaron a Leo a su pediatra cuando tenía dos años. Jessica notaba que Leo no hablaba, se frustraba con facilidad y siempre usaba los mismos juguetes. El pediatra recomendó una evaluación con una psicóloga después de la cual Leo recibió su diagnóstico de autismo”. “Nunca me imaginé que iba a diagnosticar mi niño con autismo”, dice Jessica. Después del diagnóstico, Leo comenzó terapia del habla, terapia física, y sesiones de terapia ocupacional.

Dos años después, Leo comenzó a caminar sin zapatos especials, usar dos or tres palabras juntas a la vez y empezó a tomar agua solito. El colegio que atiende Leo ha sido fundamental en su progreso y forma parte de su vida.

Hoy en dia hay motivo para celebrar. Leo comienza kindergarten en el otoño. Su madre Jessica lo atribuyó todo a su progreso a través de los años de terapia. Bravo Leo!

Leo es un niño muy amoroso. Un niño muy simpático. Un niño muy alegre aun sabiendo que es un niño con spectrum autismo”, dice ella. Eso es lo que lo hace mas especial.


Leo makes everything special. He makes everything special, says Leo's mother, Jessica. He makes the difference between my two children. He makes the difference wherever he goes.

Leo, 4 years old, received his autism diagnosis two years ago. Jessica and her son Randy, took Leo to his pediatrician when he was two years old. Jessica noticed that Leo did not speak, was easily frustrated and always played with the same toys. The pediatrician recommended an evaluation with a psychologist after which Leo received his diagnosis.  "I never imagined that they would diagnose my child with autism," says Jessica. After his diagnosis, Leo began speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy .

Two years after his diagnosis, Leo started walking without special shoes, using two or three words together and started drinking water on his own. The school that Leo attends has been fundamental in his progress and forms part of his life.

Today there is reason to celebrate. Leo begins kindergarten in the fall. His mother Jessica attributes his progress throughout the years to his therapy. Bravo Leo!

The story shared above represents the experience, views and perspectives of the individual(s) highlighted. We aim to share stories across the spectrum and throughout the life span, but the information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals.