Short-term extension protects federal autism programs

Autism CARES Act is temporarily extended as Autism Speaks continues to push for 5-year renewal when Congress returns in November

October 1, 2024

Autism Speaks has been at the forefront of advocating for the renewal of the Autism CARES Act—the only federal law solely dedicated to efforts on behalf of the autism community—with the goal of expanding crucial research, services and supports that individuals with autism and their families rely on. As the current law was set to expire on September 30, there has been tremendous support from thousands of advocates across the country and champions on Capitol Hill to renew the law in time.

The Autism CARES Act passed on an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote (402-13) in the House of Representatives on September 18. The Senate had a limited window of time to consider the Autism CARES Act before it adjourned on September 25.  Fortunately, there was widespread bipartisan agreement that the programs under the Autism CARES Act should continue and an extension of funding through December 20 was included in the continuing resolution passed last week. That extension means that critical activities around developmental disability data and research; autism education; early detection and intervention; and the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee will continue in the short term without interruption. We expect further consideration of the Autism CARES Act when the Senate returns in November after the election.

Now, the 1 in 36 autistic children and 1 in 45 adults in the US who receive care and support for a diverse range of evolving needs, will rely on what happens when the Senate reconvenes in November. Quick passage of the Autism CARES Act of 2024 is critical to secure five more years of progress and expanded national efforts to address the autism community’s needs – from improving personalized medicine to developing solutions related to challenging behaviors, aging and autism, communication supports, medical expertise and much more. 

The Autism CARES Act is the cornerstone of progress in improving our understanding of autism, training of healthcare professionals, and developing services and supports for individuals across the spectrum and throughout their lives. While the authorization and appropriation for federal autism activities has not lapsed, now is the time for advocates to make their voices heard and encourage their senators to ensure a prompt passage of the Autism CARES Act come November.

Contact Congress about the Autism CARES Act of 2024.

Learn more about the Autism CARES Act of 2024.