Four tips for a smooth transition to Summer

By J-Jaye Hurley

This is a post by J-Jaye H., proud mother to Jackson (age 15) and Reese (age 8).  Jackson was diagnosed at age 2 with severe ASD, in addition to numerous other medical conditions over the years.  For the past 10 years, J-Jaye has served as Autism Speaks Southeast regional Autism Response Team Associate.

J-Jaye taking a selfie with her kids

Oh yes, fellow autism parents - It’s that time of year again! And who even knows what this summer will bring given the crazy school year we have lived through?

Summertime is upon us, which means the school year is winding down. We are saying goodbye to virtual or socially-distanced learning and hello to summer vacation!

But let's be honest - it's not a vacation for all of us. Instead of picturing lazy summer days and spontaneous nights out, I tend to picture meltdowns over having too much downtime and changes in schedules wreaking havoc on my family!  While it is true my son loves all things summer (he is counting down the days until our subdivision pool opens), the actual “transition to summer” presents the issues. 

Sure, summer breaks provide time off from the rapid pace of the school year; however, the lack of a weekly schedule, predictability and full day school programs can present as huge challenges for children on the spectrum and their families. Though some children with autism attend an Extended School Year (ESY) program through their local public school or autism -friendly summer camp programming, there are still “down times” between the end of the school year and the beginning of summer programs.

Here are some strategies we use in our house to help our family during these times:

Use visual schedules

Even though the activities often change in the summer, Jackson still needs to have visual reminders of what comes next in his day, which help him feel more “in control” over an activity that is new or different. Letting him know that his summer activities still follow a schedule gives him some reassurance and reduces meltdowns by knowing what he has to complete before we hit the pool.

We use a visual timer on our smart phones to let him know that he only has 5 or 10 more minutes to swing on his swing or play in the sprinkler. Jackson is nonverbal and uses an iPad  to communicate.  This technology allows us to take pictures of new activities or places and quickly insert them into his schedule.

Parents can also download images from the internet on their mobile phones when new places or changes occur as well.   Many times a “First/Then” concept can be very helpful – especially when out and about.  “FIRST – we have to go grocery shopping and THEN we get to go to the park!”.

For information on visual schedules, check out our Autism and Visual Supports Guide.

Find respite care and/or increase therapy time

Jackson and his dad on a waterpark ride

Because of the down time in his schedule and with both parents working, it is important to keep his day busy whether it is with additional therapy sessions, community outings, special needs camp or respite care. We utilize ALL of the above during the summer down time.

Working with his team on creative ways to keep him engaged are key and we start planning for his summer hours back before Spring Break even arrives! A bored Jackson means a mischievous Jackson so I try to keep his calendar filled! Medicaid/Medicaid waivers often cover a certain amount of hours for respite care so I encourage you to reach out ASAP about finding a local provider.  Some families work with their therapists to request a PA (Prior Authorization) for additional therapy sessions to be covered since school is out.

Ask for help

Any parent of a child on the spectrum knows that the end of the school year and summer down time requires careful planning and extra help. Reach out to local family members or friends to give you a break or to provide care during work hours. Talk to your other autism moms at a local support group to see if you can organize some play dates at local parks, pools or homes. Reach out to local autism organizations in your area to find community activities and events that you can participate in or send your child to as needed.

You can also look for special needs babysitters utilizing online caregiving websites such as We have found many sitters over the years who were OT’s, SPED teachers, siblings, etc. who provided excellent child care during some of the summer down time.

Know that every day won’t be a “perfect” day

two children on a boat wearing life jackets

Jackson was diagnosed 13 years ago so we have been working on summer schedules now for years. However, every summer has different challenges and some days are just harder than others, no matter how hard we plan ahead.

We are currently facing the challenge of him wanting to play with his food when he is bored, which can lead to messes, meltdowns and self-injurious behaviors. During these more challenging times, I try to use positive reinforcement when I can, including fun summer items – like bubbles or time in the sprinkler.  Sometimes popping bubbles and getting wet in the sprinkler helps me to “chill out” as well!

With some planning and help, I am hoping for a fun summer with lots of smiles and minimal meltdowns!  If you are looking for summer camp programs, local community activities or respite providers, please contact the Autism Response Team at 888-288-4762 (Spanish 888-772-9050) or or visit our Autism Speaks Resource Guide.

Autism Speaks does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Rather, Autism Speaks provides general information about autism as a service to the community. The information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals. Autism Speaks has not validated and is not responsible for any information, events, or services provided by third parties. The views and opinions expressed in blogs on our website do not necessarily reflect the views of Autism Speaks.