Autism Speaks announces new grant funding for early-career scientists

November 30, 2020
multi-color banner image with Autism Speaks logo and the word, "science"

NEW YORK - In further support of the mission objective to be a catalyst for life-enhancing research breakthroughs, Autism Speaks announced a new round of funding this week for two research fellowship programs for early career scientists.

Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship awards are available to researchers studying autism as graduate students or after completing a doctoral program.

“Supporting the work of the next generation of autism researchers is an investment in moving the field toward more innovation and training in high-quality autism science,” said Thomas W. Frazier, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer at Autism Speaks.

Both fellowship programs will place high priority on research that uses new technology to enhance reach and impact of autism services, as well as those that focus on communities with limited access to resources.

Past grant recipients have contributed to research findings for a range of social skills interventions, programs to support the transition to adulthood, genetic data analysis and new ways of screening and diagnosing autism.

Please find complete information in the RFAs and links to the RFAs on our Science Grants Page.