Autism vocabulary 101

Illustrations from an autism mom

By Lisa Smith

The post below is by Lisa Smith, the mother of seven children, two with special needs. Her son Tate has autism. Lisa blogs about her experiences and can be found on Facebook at Quirks and Chaos.

When my youngest son Tate was diagnosed with autism, I knew almost nothing about autism. I began to read and research desperately. I often had to stop and find a definition for many of the words I was introduced to. Some of those words became part of my daily vocabulary after that.

For a while now I've had a list of words on my computer I planned to define in a blog post for those who are just entering the world I now live in. As I began to work on the post I had an idea. I could also illustrate the words. It's been a lot of fun compiling the words, defining them in my own words and then illustrating them.

Here they are in no particular order. Thanks for reading!

Autism vocabulary comic by Lisa Smith
Autism vocabulary comic by Lisa Smith
Autism vocabulary comic by Lisa Smith
Autism vocabulary comic by Lisa Smith

See more of Lisa's vocabulary illustrations here!

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